Name: Filtering
Status: approved
Created: 2022-09-01
Updated: 2023-06-17

Filtering (#160)


Often, when listing resources it is desirable to filter over the collection and only return results that the user is interested in.

It is tempting to define a structure to handle the precise filtering needs for each API. However, filtering requirements evolve frequently, and therefore it is prudent to use a string field with a structured syntax accessible to a non-technical audience. This allows updates to be able to be made transparently, without waiting for UI or client updates.


APIs should provide filtering to users when listing resources. If they choose to do so, they should follow the specification discussed here.

When employing filtering, a request should have field-specific filters in the form of ?filter[field]=value.

The list of fields a given list endpoint supports must be documented in that endpoint's OAS. When an unsupported field is included in a filter request, the response should be 400 Bad Request and the unsupported field listed in invalid_parameters.

Boolean and null value matching are implemented using the string literals true, false and null, and may only be applied to equal and not equal filters:

  • ?filter[is_admin]=true
  • ?filter[closed]=false
  • ?filter[name][neq]=null


The following operators should be available on all "list" endpoints that support filtering, unless there are product or technical reasons not to.

Note: In the event a qualifier is omitted; e.g., ?filter[field]=value, it should be assumed the filter will perform a exact equality match.


An equality filter returns records that exactly match the given value. For string fields, APIs should prefer case-insensitive match. Any fields that are case-sensitive must be explicitly stated so in their OAS.

Syntax: ?filter[field][eq]=value or ?filter[field]=value

Data types: string, number, datetime

Example: The filter ?filter[name]=Foo%20User would return records with a namethat matched Foo User.

Not Equal

An inequality filter returns records that do not match the given value. For string fields, APIs should prefer case-insensitive comparisons. Any fields that are case-sensitive must be explicitly stated so in their OAS.

If a neq filter is provided, records with a null value for that field must also be returned in the response.

Syntax: ?filter[field][neq]=value

Data types: string, number, datetime

Or Equal

An or-equal filter returns records that match any of the values in the given list. For string fields, APIs should prefer case-insensitive match. Note that commas cannot be provided in value, because , is a reserved character for the oeq operator.

Syntax: ?filter[field][oeq]=value1,value2,value3

Data types: string, number, datetime

Example: The filter ?filter[city][oeq]=San%20Francisco,London would return records where the city is San Francisco or London.


A containment filter returns records that contain the given string, even if they do not match it exactly.

Syntax: ?filter[field][contains]=value

Data types: string

Example: The filter ?filter[email][contains] would return records with an email containing

Or Contains

An or-containment filter returns records that contain one of the given strings, even if they do not match exactly. Note that commas cannot be provided in value, because , is a reserved character for the ocontains operator.

Syntax: ?filter[field][ocontains]=value1,value2,value3

Data types: string

Example: The filter ?filter[email][contains]=smith,jones would return records with an email containing either "smith" or "jones".

Mathematical Comparison Operators

The following filters apply to numeric or datetime fields and return records that match the criteria.

  • Less Than: ?filter[field][lt]=value
  • Less Than or Equal: ?filter[field][lte]=value
  • Greater Than: ?filter[field][gt]=value
  • Greater Than or Equal: ?filter[field][gte]=value


The following examples assume an unfiltered response of:

"data": [
"name": "Bruce Wayne",
"preferred_name": "Batman",
"age": 83,
"created_time": "1939-03-30T07:20:50.52Z"
"name": "Thomas Wayne",
"preferred_name": "Dad",
"age": 52,
"created_time": "1939-05-30T07:20:50.52Z",
"deleted_time": "1939-11-37T07:20:50.52Z"

retrieved from a SQL database.

Single Filter

With a single filter parameter, ?filter[name][contains]=Bruce, the expected results are:

"data": [
"name": "Bruce Wayne",
"preferred_name": "Batman",
"age": 83,
"created_time": "1939-03-30T07:20:50.52Z"

The underlying query:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE '%Bruce%

With a single filter parameter, ?filter[name]=Bruce%20Wayne, the expected results are the same:

"data": [
"name": "Bruce Wayne",
"preferred_name": "Batman",
"age": 83,
"created_time": "1939-03-30T07:20:50.52Z"

The underlying query:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Bruce Wayne

Multiple Filters

When multiple filter parameters are present, the result set must contain records that match all of the parameters. For example, given the query string ?filter[name][contains]=Wayne&filter[preferred_name]=Dad, the expected results are:

"data": [
"name": "Thomas Wayne",
"preferred_name": "Dad",
"age": 52,
"created_time": "1939-05-30T07:20:50.52Z",
"deleted_time": "1939-11-37T07:20:50.52Z"

The underlying query:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE '%Wayne%' AND preferred_name='Dad'

When one of the filters is an "or" filter (oeq or ocontains), the query must be built to evaluate all of that filter's values.

Example: The filter ?filter[city][oeq]=Toronto,Paris&filter[name]=Bob could be implemented with either of the following queries:

WHERE (city = 'Toronto' OR city = 'Paris') AND name = 'Bob' or WHERE city in ('Toronto', 'Paris') AND name = 'Bob'

Key Existence Filter

In order to verify a key in the schema is present, we can provide the following filter parameters, ?filter[deleted_time]&filter[name][contains]=Wayne, the expected results are:

"data": [
"name": "Thomas Wayne",
"preferred_name": "Dad",
"age": 52,
"created_time": "1939-05-30T07:20:50.52Z",
"deleted_time": "1939-11-37T07:20:50.52Z"

The underlying query:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE '%Wayne%' AND deleted_time IS NOT NULL

Mix of Standard and Number Filters

To filter based on number equivalence, we can provide the following filter parameters, ?filter[name]=Thomas%20Wayne&filter[age][lt]=60&filter[deleted_time], the expected results are:

"data": [
"name": "Thomas Wayne",
"preferred_name": "Dad",
"age": 52,
"created_time": "1939-05-30T07:20:50.52Z",
"deleted_time": "1939-11-37T07:20:50.52Z"

The underlying query:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Thomas Wayne' AND age < 60 AND deleted_time IS NOT NULL

Everything Together

All together now, ?filter[name][contains]=Wayne&filter[age][gt]=60&filter[created_time][lt]=1939-04-30T07:20:50.52Z, the expected results are:

"data": [
"name": "Bruce Wayne",
"preferred_name": "Batman",
"age": 83,
"created_time": "1939-03-30T07:20:50.52Z"

The underlying query:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE '%Wayne' AND age > 60 AND created_time < '1939-04-30T07:20:50.52Z'

Filtering Labels

Given the following entities:

"data": [
"name": "entity_one",
"labels": {
"key_1": "val_A",
"key_2": "val_B",
"key_3": "val_C"
"name": "entity_two",
"labels": {
"key_2": "val_D",
"key_3": "val_E",
"key_4": "val_F"
  1. Exact match on single label: ?filter[labels.key_1][eq]=val_A returns entity_one
  2. Partial match on a single label: ?filter[labels.key_2][contains]=E returns entity_two
  3. Partial match on a single label: ?filter[labels.key_2][contains]=e returns entity_two
  4. Multiple match on a single label: ?filter[labels.key_3][oeq]=val_C,val_E returns entity_one and entity_two
  5. Existence of a label: ?filter[labels.key_4] returns entity_two
  6. Match on multiple labels: ?filter[labels.key_1]=val_A&filter[labels.key_2]=val_B returns entity_one

[!NOTE] The . is a valid character in the label key. Therefore, when filtering on labels, only the first . can be treated as a delimiter.


While intentional to separate result filtering with searching against a given resource, the feature set provided with basic filtering may not match the expectations from customers until a dedicated search service, or endpoint, can be provided.