Name: Time and Duration
Status: approved
Created: 2023-02-27
Updated: 2022-03-07

Time and Duration (#142)


Timestamp Field Naming

  • MUST be in the form <verb-conjugation>_at
  • Timestamps that represent a point in time where something has already occurred SHOULD use the past participle conjugation (i.e. created_at)

Timestamp Field Name Examples


The following are all valid timestamp field names:

  • created_at
  • updated_at
  • deleted_at
  • expires_at

The following are all invalid timestamp field names:

  • created
  • create_at
  • createdAt
  • created-at

Timestamp Values

  • MUST be a string in RFC-3339 format
  • MUST be in UTC
  • MUST denote the UTC timezone using the "Z" suffix
  • MUST separate date and time with a "T" character
  • MAY include fractional seconds

The following regular expression can be used to validate the format of the timestamp:


Timestamp Value Examples


The following are all valid timestamp values:

  • "2023-02-27T02:15:00Z"
  • "2023-02-27T02:15:00.000Z"
  • "2023-02-27T15:00:31"

The following are all invalid timestamp values:

  • "2023-2-27T02:15:00Z"
  • "2023-02-2T02:15:00Z"
  • "2023-02-27T15:00:31+00:00"
  • "2023-02-27T15:00:31-06:00"
  • "2023-02-27 02:15:00Z"
  • "2023-02-27T02:15:00"
  • 1677527855


Duration Field Naming

  • MUST be in the form <field-name>_<unit-suffix> where unit-suffix denotes the unit of time the value represents.
  • The unit suffix MUST be one of:
    • ns
    • ms
    • secs
    • mins
    • hrs
    • days
    • yrs

Duration Field Name Examples


The following are all valid duration field names:

  • ttl_ns
  • ttl_ms
  • ttl_secs
  • flight_duration_mins
  • flight_duration_hrs
  • lifespan_days
  • lifespan_yrs

The following are all invalid duration field names:

  • ttl
  • ttl_seconds
  • ttlMS
  • lifespan-yrs

Duration Values

Represents a span between two points in time (independent of time zone or calendar). The unit is described by the duration field name.

  • MUST be an integer value in the range 0 <= N < 253

Duration Value Examples


The following are all valid duration values:

  • 5
  • 600
  • 1000
  • 9007199254740991

The following are all invalid duration values:

  • "60"
  • 60.5
  • "18ms"
  • 9007199254740992